Download Previous year Diploma Paper of Strength of Material SOM 4th Sem/5309/May 2018 Diploma Paper

Strength of Material SOM 4th Sem/5309/May 2018 Diploma Paper


Q1. Do as directed.                                                                                  10×1.5=15

  a. The deformation per unit length is called ____________
  b. MOI of a triangular section about its base is ____________
  c. B.M. is _________ at a section where S.F. is Zero after changing its sign.
  d. The strength of beam is proportional to its ____________
  e. If the strut is vertical it is known as _______________
  f. The polar modulus of a solid shaft= _______________
  g. The torque produces _________ in a member.
  h. A spring is used to absorb energy due to _____________
  i. A length of wire when wound in a helix form is called __________
  j. The bending stress on the neutral axis is _____________________


Q2. Attempt any five questions.                                                                    5×6=30

   i. Define: i) Young’s modulus of elasticity ii) Modulus of rigidity.
  ii. State and prove the theorem of perpendicular axis.
  iii. Draw S.F. and B.M. diagrams for a cantilever carrying u.d.l. on its span.
  iv. What do you understand by neutral axis and moment of resistance?
  v. A load of 50 kN is suddenly applied to a steel rod 2m long and 1000 mm2 in cross-section. Determine the strain energy that can be absorbed, if E=200 KN/mm2.
  vi. Define: i) Slenderness ratio, ii) Bulking factor iii) Bulking load..
 vii. A close-coiled spring has radius of 40mm and length of 320mm. It is required to extend 21mm under a pull of 185 N. If C=84 GN/m2, determine the diameter of the wire.


Q3. Attempt any three questions.                                                       3×10=30

 a. A brass bar, having cross sectional area of 1000 mm2 , subjected to axial forces as shown in fig.. Find the total elongation of bar. Take E = 1X105 N/mm2.
b. A simply supported beam 6m long is carrying a uniformly distributed load of 2KN/m over a length of 3m from the left end. Draw the S.F. and B.M. diagrams for the beam and also calculate the maximum B.M. on the section.
c. A rectangular beam 300mm deep 150mm wide is simply supported over a span of 8m. Find the maximum uniformly distributed load that the beam can carrying, if the stress is not exceed 120 N/mm2.
d. A solid steel shaft has to transmit 75 KW at 200 r.p.m. taking allowable shear stress as 70 MN/m2. Find suitable diameter for the shaft, if the maximum torque transmitted on each revolution exceeds the mean by 30%.

Strength of Material SOM 4th Sem/5309 /May 2018 Diploma Paper

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Section a Strength of Material SOM 4th Sem/5309/May 2018 Diploma Paper

The deformation per unit length is called ____________

The deformation per unit length is called ____________

MOI of a triangular section about its base is ____________

MOI of a triangular section about its base is ____________

B.M. is _________ at a section where S.F. is Zero after changing its sign.

B.M. is _________ at a section where S.F. is Zero after changing its sign.

The strength of beam is proportional to its ____________

The strength of beam is proportional to its ____________

If the strut is vertical it is known as _______________

If the strut is vertical it is known as _______________

The polar modulus of a solid shaft= _______________

The polar modulus of a solid shaft= _______________

The torque produces _________ in a member.

The torque produces _________ in a member.

A spring is used to absorb energy due to _____________

A spring is used to absorb energy due to _____________

A length of wire when wound in a helix form is called __________

A length of wire when wound in a helix form is called __________

The bending stress on the neutral axis is _____________

The bending stress on the neutral axis is _____________

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Section B :Strength of Material SOM 4th Sem/5309/May 2018 Diploma Paper

Define: i) Young’s modulus of elasticity ii) Modulus of rigidity.

i) Young’s modulus of elasticity

ii) Modulus of rigidity.

State and prove the theorem of perpendicular axis.

Prove the theorem of perpendicular axis.

Draw S.F. and B.M. diagrams for a cantilever carrying u.d.l. on its span.

Draw S.F. and B.M. diagrams for a cantilever carrying u.d.l. on its span.

What do you understand by neutral axis and moment of resistance?

Neutral axis and moment of resistance.

A load of 50 kN is suddenly applied to a steel rod 2m long and 1000 mm2 in cross-section. Determine the strain energy that can be absorbed, if E=200 KN/mm2.

Load of 50 kN is suddenly applied to a steel rod 2m long and 1000 mm2 in cross-section. Determine the strain energy that can be absorbed, if E=200 KN/mm2.

 Define: i) Slenderness ratio, ii) Bulking factor iii) Bulking load.

 i) Slenderness ratio

ii) Bulking factor

iii) Bulking load.

 A close-coiled spring has radius of 40mm and length of 320mm. It is required to extend 21mm under a pull of 185 N. If C=84 GN/m2, determine the diameter of the wire.

Close-coiled spring has radius of 40mm and length of 320mm. It is required to extend 21mm under a pull of 185 N. If C=84 GN/m2, determine the diameter of the wire.

Strength of Material SOM 4th Sem/5309/May 2018 Diploma Paper Click Here

Strength of Material SOM 4th Sem/5309 /May 2018 Diploma Paper

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Section c :-Strength of Material SOM 4th Sem/5309/May 2019 Diploma Paper

A brass bar, having cross sectional area of 1000 mm2 , subjected to axial forces as shown in fig.. Find the total elongation of bar. Take E = 1X105 N/mm2.

Brass bar, having cross sectional area of 1000 mm2 , subjected to axial forces as shown in fig.. Find the total elongation of bar. Take E = 1X105 N/mm2.

A simply supported beam 6m long is carrying a uniformly distributed load of 2KN/m over a length of 3m from the left end. Draw the S.F. and B.M. diagrams for the beam and also calculate the maximum B.M. on the section.

Simply supported beam 6m long is carrying a uniformly distributed load of 2KN/m over a length of 3m from the left end. Draw the S.F. and B.M. diagrams for the beam and also calculate the maximum B.M. on the section.

A rectangular beam 300mm deep 150mm wide is simply supported over a span of 8m. Find the maximum uniformly distributed load that the beam can carrying, if the stress is not exceed 120 N/mm2.

Rectangular beam 300mm deep 150mm wide is simply supported over a span of 8m. Find the maximum uniformly distributed load that the beam can carrying, if the stress is not exceed 120 N/mm2.

 A solid steel shaft has to transmit 75 KW at 200 r.p.m. taking allowable shear stress as 70 MN/m2. Find suitable diameter for the shaft, if the maximum torque transmitted on each revolution exceeds the mean by 30%.

Solid steel shaft has to transmit 75 KW at 200 r.p.m. taking allowable shear stress as 70 MN/m2. Find suitable diameter for the shaft, if the maximum torque transmitted on each revolution exceeds the mean by 30%.

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